Building wraps

The surface area of building wraps varies from a couple of hundred square meters to several thousand square meters, providing a great opportunity for the ad to rise above the advertising noise, making it especially memorable.
Neon signs

A frequently seen neon sign engraves the brand’s name into the pedestrians’ brain.
Firewall advertising

Firewall advertising utilizes the firewalls of buildings along busy roads to display marketing content. These firewalls can be characterized by custom shapes and sizes.

Billboards are mostly placed along highways and busy roads. They are completely unique in shape and size, providing an eye-catching look.
Before / After
Thanks to our efforts, the downtown districts of Budapest have gotten a completely new look from one year to another. Horizont Advertising Ltd. has become a market leader in outdoor advertising.
The novelty of our idea comes from initiating the frontal refurbishment of buildings for residents with a concrete offer. This way, before the need arises from the residents, we present them with a favorable offer.